International cooperation agreements
The University of Basilicata promotes the development of joint teaching and research activities and encourages the exchange of teachers and students, through the establishment, increase and consolidation of institutional relations with several national and international universities/institutes/bodies/research centres. The priority objectives of these initiatives include
- participation in research programmes
- integrated teaching activities;
- the exchange of teaching staff, researchers, administrative staff, doctoral students, students, etc.;
- the use of scientific equipment;
- participation in conferences, symposia, seminars, congresses, etc.;
- integrated study programmes for the award of dual degrees;
- the exchange of scholarly visits;
- the exchange of scientific information, documentation and publications;
- study meetings, seminars and courses on the subjects covered by the agreement.
Agreements entered into by the University of Basilicata
These relations are formalised through the stipulation of cooperation agreements.
Activation modalities, proponents and model schemes
The agreements define the exchange and research activities, the financial aspects and the duration of the relationship. They are activated on the proposal of the Rector, the Professors of the individual Schools and Departments. Procedure (approved by the governing bodies of the University). The main types of agreement are:
1) framework agreement: cooperation agreement of general interest to the University, stipulated on the proposal of one or more structures or by the Rector himself;
2) specific agreement: specific cooperation agreement on a particular scientific area/research topic, stipulated on the proposal of a structure as an "additional protocol" to a previous framework agreement or as a stand-alone agreement;
3) additional protocol for student exchange: additional protocol to a specific agreement to regulate the modalities of student exchange (outside ERAMUS+ agreements) or as a stand-alone agreement, concluded on the proposal of a structure, a proposing professor or the Rector.
The following types of agreement have been approved:
1) Accordo Quadro (IT) ; Cooperation Framework Agreement (EN);
2) Accordo specifico (IT); Additional protocol (EN);
3) Protocollo aggiuntivo mobilità studenti (IT); Special additional protocol students exchange (EN).
Cooperation agreements conforming to the above-mentioned model schemes may be signed by the Rector, subject to the approval of the Council of the proposing primary structure and to a conformity check by the International Relations Department. In brief, the approval process for an inter-university cooperation agreement provides that
a) the text(s) of the agreement(s) is/are agreed upon with the foreign partner on the basis of the aforementioned model outlines
b) the text(s) of the agreement(s) are submitted to the Council of the proposing structure (Department, School, etc.) for approval;
c) the text(s) of the agreement(s) (.docx file, or other extension provided it can be modified) are sent to the International Relations Sector - International Cooperation and Research Office by e-mail to the following address: and the resolution(s) of approval of the Council of the proposing structure.
If the text of the agreement complies with the standard outline approved by the Academic Senate (or if it can be adapted to the standard outline/introduction of changes also following new regulations), the office shall directly acquire the Rector's signature and send it to the foreign counterpart, as well as archive it; otherwise the office shall prepare the file for approval by the Academic Senate and the subsequent steps (signature of the agreement by the Rector, sending it to the foreign counterpart). The agreements signed by both parties involved are published on the CINECA website. In the case of cooperation agreements for the establishment of joint educational pathways (joint degrees, international doctorates), such agreements shall require the approval, on each occasion, of the Academic Senate, after obtaining the opinions of the proposing Schools/Departments.
Financial aspects
There is no financial burden on the central administration. Expenses arising from the agreements will be charged to the funds of the structures directly involved in the initiative (Art. 55, letter g, of the Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting, departmental councils decide on contributions for travel and accommodation expenses of Italian and foreign scholars invited as part of previously approved research programmes and invited for seminars and/or conferences). However, with a view to fostering mobility, the University may allocate funds to support part of the costs of enrolment and stay abroad for the most deserving students through specific initiatives for internationalisation, finance cooperation initiatives aimed at expanding/consolidating the internationalisation of the University through the construction of new partnerships for joint teaching/research projects.
- Cooperation initiatives