Study at Unibas

Distance Learning

The University of Basilicata is in the process of setting up distance learning programmes in response to a directive given by the MIUR (see note dated 5 March) which was communicated to all universities by email on 4 March and subsequently announced in a written statement by the Rector of the University of Basilicata on 10 March.

It should be noted that the methodology used in the current emergency involves providing instructions on how to use the readily accessible and intuitive resources already at our disposal. The university has access to the following distance learning platforms: Moodle and Google G Suite for Education.

Teaching staff are invited to adopt the tools that they consider most suited to their specific didactic needs. In order to provide support for the implementation of distance learning programmes, in this experimental phase a help centre can be reached by clicking on:List of departmental representatives for online learning’ . The aim is to identify from amongst the options listed below the format that is most suited to each area of teaching with its contingent student participation. The options are not mutually exclusive:

1) Sharing non audio-visual didactic material online (handouts, power point presentations etc)

2) Sharing audio-visual didactic material online (complete video recordings of power point presentations)

3) Lessons via live streaming

4) Lesson via video conferencing


The following links:

•          Unibas_DistanceLearning_TeacherGuide

•          Unibas_DistanceLearning_StudentGuide

give access to manuals for both teachers and students with operational guidelines on how to use the product G Suite for Education, as well as a tools for producing simple, audio recordings to support power point presentations.

In G Suite for Education, an application called Classroom enables teachers to present their course material in a virtual form, and to share audio-visual and non-audio-visual teaching material, messages and links to video conferences via streaming.

Where required, it is also possible to include a second teacher. By registering as a teacher, a unique code will be generated for each course. Teachers can use this unique code to log on to their courses on the initial page of their personal account ESSE3 where it says: ‘Applicazione (Docenti) -->  Corsi on-line’.


A list of online courses and the relevant course codes is available at:


Students wishing to register for online courses can consult the web page by clicking on the above link. Using the course code, students can access the application Classroom only through their UNIBAS email account ( The first time they access the application, students should use the profile student and register using the relevant course code. Students will then be registered for the online course.

The technological resources in use for the first time under the present unprecedented circumstances, have the advantage of allowing teachers to time the delivery of didatic material. This should be coordinated with students in the case of video conferencing via live streaming. Audio-video material and audio recordings to support power point presentations can be managed autonomously.

Nevertheless, teachers should agree upon a calendar of lessons within the general, institutional timetable in order to avoid clashes with other video conferencing activities.

Further links to other platforms for distance learning will be provided in due course.

Colleagues who have experimented with alternative tools for distance learning can use them provided all students are guaranteed access to the online teaching activities.