Our Campuses
Located in both Potenza and Matera, the University of Basilicata's facilities, as well as its offices and departmental buildings, are spread over three campus sites - covering an overall area of 96,000 sq m.
Our Campuses in Potenza:
Francioso Campus - Location: 85, Via Nazario Sauro
The University of Basilicata's Francioso Campus includes the Deparment of Humanities, the University Central Library, the Rector's Office, the University Language Centre, as well as the Student Services Centre, and the Disability Advisory Service.
Macchia Romana Campus - Location: 10, Viale Ateneo Lucano
UniBas' Macchia Romana Science Campus is home to the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics, the Department of Science, the School of Engineering, the School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences, as well as the Student Orientation and Careers Service Centre, the University IT Infrastructure and ICT Systems Centre, the Science and Technology Library, and the Student Services Centre.
How to reach our campuses in Potenza:
Our new campus in Matera:
Location: 20, Via Lanera / Via del Castello