DiS - Department of Science
About the Department
Established in 2012, DiS - the Department of Science inherited and built on the expertise and the wealth of skills developed by the pre-existing Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences over thirty years. The scope of the Department encompasses all subject areas relevant to Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth, Environmental, and Health Sciences and Technologies, ranging from investigation on both elementary matter particles and ecosystems - under theoretical, basics, and applied aspects - to more traditionally-identified themes in the fields of Earth Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, as well as of Life, Ecological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies.
Studying at DiS
The Department, based at the University of Basilicata's Macchia Romana Campus, manages and offers seven programmes (3 undergraduate, 2 graduate, and 1 integrated Master's) in four core subject areas:
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Biotechnology
- Pharmacology
Most programmes include both lectures and practical, experimental laboratory work to be carried out in the Department's state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories, in order to provide students and graduates with the necessary scientific skills for their employability.
DiS also offers a number of postgraduate opportunities, such as an International PhD programme in Applied Biology and Environmental Safeguard, two first-level postgraduate qualifications (Hydrocarbons and Reserves: Environmental Safety and Management in Natural Hydrocarbon Processing; Structural Osteopathy), and a second-level postgraduate qualification programme in Petroleum Geosciences.
All research projects undertaken by the Department of Science bear a strong interdisciplinary approach to provide both basic and applied research, as well as technological innovation, with considerable impetus.
Our Courses
Geological Sciences
Biotechnologies for Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Veterinary Diagnostics
Chemical Sciences
Geosciences and Georesources
Integrated Master's
PhD Programme in Applied Biology and Environmental Safeguard
Postgraduate Qualification in Hydrocarbons and Reserves: Environmental Safety and Management in Natural Hydrocarbon Processing
Postgraduate Qualification in Structural Osteopathy
Postgraduate Qualification in Petroleum Geoscience
Contact Us
DiS - Department of Science
University of Basilicata Macchia Romana Campus
10, Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano - Potenza PZ 85100 Italy
E-mail: dis.didattica@unibas.it
Telephone: +39 0971 205776
Website: scienze.unibas.it