Departments and Schools

SAFE - School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences

About the School

SAFE - the School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences was established in 2012, when four pre-existing Departments merged into it: its academic and research staff builds on over thirty years' worth of expertise and excellence in the fields of Agricultural, Veterinary as well as Biological Science.

Studying at SAFE

The School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences currently offers three undergraduate (BSc) programmes, three graduate (MSc) programmes, and an international Master's programme.

Starting from academic year 2018-19, SAFE will be also offering a double-degree programme to students participating in the Erasmus+ student mobility programme: a partnership agreement between the University of Basilicata and Spain's Universidad de Extremadura allows students who will have gained 30 ECTS credits to be awarded two MSc degrees: an MSc in Food Science and Technology from the University of Basilicata, and a Máster in Gestión de Calidad y Trazabilidad en Alimentos de Origen Vegetal from the University of Extremadura.

Our Courses

• Forestry and Environmental Sciences
• Agricultural Technology
• Food Technology

• Forestry and Environmental Sciences
• Agricultural Science and Technology
• Food Science and Technology
EDAMUS International Master's degree course in in Sustainable Management of Food Quality

PhD Programme in Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences

Our Research

SAFE's mission is to promote and encourage knowledge, skill, and technology transfer on a local, national, and EU-wide scale, through an interdisciplinary research approach. By cooperating with both public and private institutions, the School promotes innovation and the dissemination of results and best practices, but also the establishment of spin-off companies fostered by University-led initiatives, business incubators, technopoles, and third-party funding. 

The School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences supports the development of a number of research themes in the following areas: 

  • Forests and Wood
  • Bio-Environment
  • Cultivation Systems and Plant Defense
  • Zoological Science and Technology
  • Economics and Engineering
  • Zoological Science, Technology, and Biotechnology

Contact Us

SAFE - School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences
University of Basilicata Macchia Romana Campus
Buildings: 2DA, 3A, 3B
10, Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano - Potenza PZ 85100 Italy
Telephone: +39 0971 205607