Cooperazione internazionale

International cooperation

The University of Basilicata promotes international co-operation, encourages the exchange of teachers, students and technical-administrative staff, through the establishment and consolidation of institutional relations with several universities, institutes, organisations and  international research centres, with which it signs agreements for didactic-scientific co-operation; it supports the participation in co-operation programmes, research and funding opportunities, by joining national and international networks.

The activation of new partnerships and the strengthening of existing ones, aimed at widening access to the European Higher Education and Research Area to systems in other geographical areas, is a strategic priority for Europe, for each country and for the Italian university system. The University of Basilicata has built multiple international relations to enhance the various scientific areas, enrich the educational offer and increase the opportunities of mobility abroad of the academic community, developing joint actions both with the closest European countries and with distant and culturally different geographical areas. Attention is also paid to the areas of Balkan Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Latin America, Asia, China and Africa.

Various instruments have been adopted by the University, including bilateral academic and scientific cooperation agreements (International Cooperation Agreements), which introduce subsequent agreements for specific research in many fields of science (International Agreements stipulated by the University), as well as between academic systems (binational universities, such as the Italo-French University/Université Franco Italienne-UIF/UFI, the Italo-German University-Deutsch Italienisches Hochschulzentrum; DAAD Cooperation University).

International development cooperation is a fully-fledged part of the internationalisation processes of universities, an area in which universities, open to a process of research, knowledge and dialogue, enhance their role by encouraging the education of the younger generations in social responsibility, a culture of peace and solidarity and an understanding of international issues.

The University participates in calls, initiatives and cooperation projects related to the three priority areas:

  • international cooperation for development,
  • the Promotion of the Italian Country System,
  • territorial cooperation.