International development cooperation
"Development Cooperation has as its fundamental objectives: to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities, improve the living conditions of populations and promote sustainable development; to protect and affirm human rights, the dignity of the individual, gender equality, equal opportunities and the principles of democracy and the rule of law; to prevent conflict and support processes of pacification, reconciliation, post-conflict stabilisation and the consolidation and strengthening of democratic institutions" (from Italian Development Cooperation, 2016)
International Cooperation refers to three priority areas:
- the International Development Cooperation, which is the responsibility of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation MAECI;
- the Promotion of the Country System, under the responsibility of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation MAECI;
- European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), which is the responsibility of the European Commission.
International cooperation for sustainable development, human rights and peace is an integral part of the foreign policy of Italy (Law 125/2014) and the European Union. The University of Basilicata harmonises its policies with those of the European Union, promotes the implementation of joint projects, contributes to the achievement of the 17 objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, included in the University's strategic document, placing the emphasis on the "culture of sustainability", with actions in support of different areas: environmental, ecological, economic, cultural, solidarity, social sustainability, to name but a few. It promotes initiatives, exchange programmes, technology transfer, training, research and third mission, in partnership with Italian and foreign universities.
Development Cooperation, managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), has as its fundamental objectives the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequalities, the affirmation of human rights and the dignity of individuals - including gender equality and equal opportunities -, conflict prevention and support for peace-building processes. It also pursues diplomatic and strategic objectives, aimed at maintaining relations with foreign countries that are aimed at economic, social and human growth, respectful of the environment and of different cultures for the protection of common goods such as water, food and energy, and at consolidating Italy's role and image in the world.
The objectives are pursued through the departments that are responsible for development cooperation. The activities of support and international projection in the economic, cultural and scientific fields are the responsibility of the Directorate General for the Promotion of the Country System, which, in collaboration with other competent Directorates General and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), in agreement with the universities and institutions concerned, the network of offices abroad, promotes public aid and humanitarian emergencies, the internationalisation of Italian research and scientific diplomacy through humanitarian, scientific and cultural promotion initiatives, including:
1) Scientific and Technological Cooperation
The international exchange of university lecturers, which is based on cultural protocols stipulated between Italy and many foreign countries, aims to develop bilateral cultural relations, with priority given to research sectors of common interest, and promotes - where possible - specific collaboration agreements between universities. These exchanges are agreed upon in the Cultural Protocols implementing the Agreements.
The Executive Protocols-Programmes for scientific and technological cooperation, which are of direct application of the Agreements for scientific and technological cooperation, are drawn up taking into account the priorities contained in the National Research Programme and the Framework Programmes of the European Union, and specify the research areas in which bilateral cooperation between Italy and the partner country is concentrated. On the basis of the research areas, MAECI issues an annual call for proposals for the renewal of the research projects that can be funded by both countries. There are two types of projects:
- Researcher mobility projects, for which mobility is financed bilaterally: in particular, the Scientific Cooperation Unit finances travel for Italian researchers and stays for foreign researchers;
- Major projects, which are eligible for annual co-funding for project implementation, pursuant to Law 401/90.
For both types, which must be submitted in accordance with the indications of the competent Directorate General, it is possible to access the funding provided annually. The notices and forms are available at the following link: Notices of assignment and calls for proposals
2) Cultural Cooperation
Youth Exchanges are contributions for the co-financing of projects aimed at the realisation of socio-cultural training courses of curricular enrichment and professional training for young Italians and foreigners, in Italy and abroad. The annual call for applications for co-financing, the forms and the results of the selection process are available at the following link: Youth Exchange Calls.
Archaeological Missions are grants for the co-financing of Italian archaeological, anthropological and ethnological missions abroad. The annual call for contributions for archaeological missions is published on the MAECI Archaeological Missions home page: Calls for contributions Archaeological Missions Cultural Heritage
Other cultural promotion initiatives (Italian Cultural Institutes, scholarships offered by the Italian government to foreign students and Italian students living abroad (IRE), translation prizes, Italian lectorates, Italian chairs abroad, etc.) are listed and can be consulted on the dedicated website: Cultura - MAECI.
Other study opportunities, scholarships for Italian citizens (Fulbright, College of Europe of Bruges and Natolin, European University Institute Florence, EPLO, scholarships offered by foreign governments and institutions etc.), are offered and/or promoted by MAECI.
3) Development Cooperation
For the implementation of development cooperation policies, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, a management structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was established in 2016. In the renewed strategic vision of Italian Cooperation (the 5 "P's" of Agency 2030: the "Person", the "Planet", the "Prosperity", the "Partnerships", the "Peace"), AICS promotes international development, public aid and humanitarian emergencies. It pursues the objectives of cooperation specified in Law 125/2014 for the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequalities, the affirmation of human rights and the dignity of individuals - including gender equality and equal opportunities -, the prevention of conflicts and support for peace-building processes, carries out activities of a technical-operational nature related to the phases of preliminary investigation, formulation, financing, management and control of international cooperation initiatives.
On the agency website, in the "Opportunities" section, you can find calls for proposals for the various sectors of intervention, drawn up by the Italian or foreign offices of the Agency:
- non-profit calls for proposals, for the granting of contributions for emergency interventions and development cooperation initiatives by civil society organisations and other non-profit entities (OSC area),
- calls for contributions for initiatives on territorial partnerships and territorial implementation of Agenda 2030 by local authorities (territorial bodies),
- profit calls, which foresee the participation of "for-profit entities" to the Italian Cooperation system that demonstrate coherence with the programming, in compliance with the ultimate aims of cooperation (enterprises area),
- other opportunities, including the Partnership for Knowledge with Universities, for training scholarships in international cooperation (Master's degree and PhD), aimed at young people from priority countries (other opportunities).
Useful links:
Indirect management of European funds MAECI